About Dinar
Someday soon, Saudi Arabia will become a trendsetter on the world stage. Businesses that operate here and businesses that serve an audience here will be able to plan more ambitiously.
At Dinar, we believe that the future is sustainable – and we are doing our part to usher it forth, through creative and consulting services that include team-building, training, strategizing, and more. It all started when we saw a gap in the market. Few consultancies in the Saudi Kingdom were applying cultural nuance and sustainable thinking to their clients' businesses.
Through Dinar, we are championing a newer and better way to do things – a way that aligns with the imminent future. This is more than a consultancy. We are a creative hub for private and public companies, government organizations, individuals, and nonprofits that see the value in mindful planning and regenerative strategy.
Our Mission:
Saudi culture, innovation, and regenerative ideals coexist beautifully and shape the future for the benefit of all.
Our Trusted Partners
These are some of the partners we trust to work alongside us to fulfill our mission.

Where does “dinar” come from?
In the past, and dating all the way back to the 7th century, the “dinar” was the principal currency of international record. The word, stemming from the Latin root "dēnārius," also came to signify concepts such as prestige and abundance.
As a society, we have developed swiftly through the agricultural age, industrial age, and information age. Like the dinar coin, old ideals have come and gone. Our perspectives of creativity, information, and critical thinking are always shifting.
To thrive in the conceptual age, one must embrace innovative ideas that break interdisciplinary barriers. We help you achieve this, at Dinar.
Our Accomplishments, Recorded and Measured
Our Values
Pride in Local Heritage
Although the future is uncertain, we are working toward a future in which locals take pride in the richness of Saudi diversity and culture.
Beautifying the World
Our hope is to leave the world more beautiful than we have found it. Toward that end, all the projects we pursue combine functionality with meaningful aesthetics.
Excellence Engagement
We motivate organizations to elevate their role in their communities and with respect to those communities' cultures.
Inspiring Groundbreaking Ideas
As people, we heed a call to higher thinking. We equip brands to do the same, thinking through their identity and role in today's world.
What Is Your Place in the Sustainable World of Tomorrow?